Welcome to a Nurtured Postpartum

“Drink coffee; build friendships; be nurtured.”


What makes our postpartum mom’s group unique.

 In your postpartum period, your support network becomes not just a luxury but a necessity! As members of our Nurtured community, we prioritize community support and foster a safe space where every mom feels heard, valued, and supported.

let’s connect

Who we are…

As we navigate the beautiful yet challenging journey of motherhood together, one thing becomes increasingly evident: the power of community. Here’s why:

  • Shared Experiences

    Our group is founded on principles of empathy, understanding, and non-judgment. We're here to listen, support, and uplift each other through the highs and lows of motherhood.

    Sharing experiences, whether positive or challenging, fosters a sense of belonging and normalizes the range of emotions for new moms.

  • Guidance & Connection

    Led by experienced mothers and doulas who have walked the same path, Nurtured leaders understand the unique needs and challenges that come with welcoming a new baby into your life!

    We welcome mothers of all backgrounds, identities, and parenting styles. Our goal is to foster a diverse and inclusive community where every mom feels respected and valued.

  • Guest Experts

    Access to experienced professionals in areas such as lactation consulting, mental health support, PTs, chiropractors, newborn care, and more.

    Our supportive community offers guidance from guest experts in the field who share their wisdom and tips on all things postpartum. We believe in empowering mothers with knowledge and skills to thrive during this precious time.

  • In-Person & Virtual Community

    Can't make it to an in-person event? No problem! Our online community shares space with all our moms to connect, ask questions, and seek connectios andupport.

    Building connections with other moms provides a sense of companionship and alleviates feelings of loneliness that can often accompany the postpartum time.

About “Nurtured”

The Nurtured Postpartum Mom's Group was founded with the mission to provide a supportive community for mothers navigating the transformative journey of postpartum life. Recognizing the unique challenges and joys that come with this period, this group offers a safe space for moms to share experiences, seek advice, and build connections.

Founded on principles of empathy and understanding, the group aims to foster healing, empowerment, and growth among its members, acknowledging the importance of mental, emotional, and physical well-being during this pivotal time. Through shared wisdom, mutual support, and compassionate guidance, the Nurtured Postpartum Mom's Group endeavors to uplift mothers as they navigate the beautiful complexities of motherhood.

Join us!


  • By joining our Nurtured Postpartum group, you can expect a supportive community of like-minded mothers who understand the unique challenges and joys of the postpartum period. You'll find a safe space to share your experiences, receive empathy and validation, and access valuable resources to support your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

  • Our meetings are designed to be nurturing and informative. We facilitate discussions on a wide range of topics relevant to postpartum moms, including self-care practices, emotional health, breastfeeding support, baby care tips, and more. Meetings often feature guest speakers, workshops, and group activities to enhance your experience and learning.

  • Our group sessions are led by experienced facilitators who are passionate about supporting new moms. They are also certified doulas with advanced degrees and certifications in education and holistic wellness. Rest assured, our facilitators are dedicated to creating a nurturing and inclusive environment for all participants.

  • Please do! Our group meetings inclu babies ages 0-7m. We understand the practicalities of caring for a newborn and encourage you hold, feed, and care for your baby within our cozy and welcoming atmosphere. Our group dynamics ensures that both you and your little one feel comfortable and supported throughout the session.

  • We welcome your active participation and input! Whether you have insights to share, questions to ask, or ideas for future meeting topics, your voice is valued. Additionally, if you're interested in volunteering or leading a discussion on a topic close to your heart, we encourage you to reach out. Together, we can create a supportive and enriching experience for all members of our community.

  • Yes, bring your nanny! Nannies can participate in our group meetings free of charge. We believe that providing support to caregivers is essential for promoting the well-being of both caregivers and the families they work with.

    Want to reserve a space just for your nanny? We encourage nannies to attend and actively participate in the discussions while being mindful of the needs of the baby they are caring for. Nannies are invited to engage in conversations, share experiences, and connect with other members while ensuring the baby's well-being is prioritized.